Barstool Documentary Episode 2 - The Making Of Barstool is Now Free to Everybody

Dear Barstool Gold People,

First of all thanks to everybody who has bought gold.   We appreciate the continued support.   Hopefully what I’m about to say  doesn’t piss you off.   I spoke with Erika and asked if we could release Part II of the Barstool Doc to the general public.   Now I know this unfair to gold members, but I’m also guessing gold members are our biggest supporters and will understand the reason I wanted to release this to everybody.  As I’m sure you know once again our reputation is under attack by the blue check mark brigade.   People trying to make it seem like you should be ashamed or embarrassed to support Barstool.  Obviously our fans know this is garbage.  Everybody who really knows us knows this is garbage.  But not enough people truly understand how much hard work went into making Barstool the company it is today.  Its my life’s work. It’s something I’m proud of and will defend to the death.   And I’m very proud of this doc.  It captures what it was like building this brand.  So next time somebody asks what is Barstool I want them to see this video.   Not just our fans but our haters as well.   We didn’t get lucky to get here.  We outworked, our hustled, our funnied every other site on the internet.Hopefully gold members won’t get mad at this once exception and understand the reasoning.

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