Home Alone LIII: Lost In The Barstool Super Bowl House

Last night, my first night freeloading at the main Super Bowl house when I should have been living on the bus, I got on a few people’s nerves. I accidentally ate all the pizza & spilled a bunch of milk, and Dave looked over at me with cold eyes & said, point blank, “Look what ya did ya little jerk“. I was crushed.

Thankfully today was a new day where I could redeem myself…. Or at least enjoy the awesome New Amsterdam Vodka house, stocked full of good food, drinks & activities for a lady on the loose. My drink of choice was New Amsterdam with lemonade & a bit ‘o triple sec. It was *perfect for hopping on the pool float before the storm hits tomorrow, too. (It was *freezing, but still lovely compared to NY weather right now. I’ll take it.)

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