DEVOUR Road Trip Day 2: Nashville Bound

We’re on to Day 3 now, but my entire body feels like it’s been run over by a steam roller as a direct result of Day 2. Yesterday morning Coach Buzz lead us in a basketball practice at Virginia Tech’s training facilities & either it was an extra tough one or I am just horribly, disgustingly out of shape (it’s that second one).

Afterwards we climbed back on the @DEVOURfoods bus to make our way from Blacksburg, VA to Nashville, TN. It was going to be a long haul & I was excited to hang out with everybody.. maybe have a couple road sodas, play some of the games we have onboard, watch movies… but no. They were all so wiped out they left me alone in the front, and even Larry wanted nothing to do with me.

I was upset, but I knew what I had to do to turn the vibes of the trip around before we hit the Music City…

There was only one thing that could lure them out (especially Hank)… A bit of #DEVOURfoodporn.

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