Emergency Press Conference - Barstool Gold is here
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Ok we’ve been talking about this forever. The time has finally come. I know some people are going to hate this concept. That we are introducing a paywall for exclusive content. Well the truth is this wasn’t my idea. If it were up to me I probably wouldn’t have done this. But the Chernin guys felt very strongly about this concept and those guys are smart dudes. And to be honest with all that has happened over the past couple years I’m now glad we’re doing it. The bottomline is that everytime something good happens to Barstool Sports or we get a new distribution deal the Blue Checkmark Brigade and the self righteous police they make it their mission to whine, complain little the little babies they are about the fact we are kicking their asses. They’ll take quotes out of context from decades ago and spin it to make it seem like we are the worst thing in the history of the world. It’s all garbage. Like remember when Barstool Van Talk got cancelled? Guess what? We had 2 more shows lined up and ready to go that also got cancelled because of it. Well that was an eye opener. It doesn’t matter that everybody who knows us knows we are just a comedy site trying to make people laugh. It doesn’t matter that that we’ve been doing this for 15 years. It doesn’t matter that it’s just a vocal minority that hate life and hate having fun. None of it matters. TV networks and advertisers are typically spineless and conservative. Therefore if we’re going to continue to grow and create content the way we want to do it and pay our best talent we need to control our own destiny. We need to create a new revenue stream that the haters can’t interfere with. A way to sell new content directly to our readers instead of TV networks. That’s why we need Barstool Gold. So for 1 dollar a week you’ll get exclusive content that would not have been created without Gold. Everything that is currently free will remain free, but with Gold you’ll get an extra episode of PMT a month, an episode of KFC Classic Radio a month, Barstool Docs etc. I do realize it’s a big change and a big ask and either way we appreciate the support. 1 dollar a week. It ain’t that bad.