The Most Popular Memes From 2018

Memes … when we look back on them 100 years from now will they be viewed as a way of communicating through pictures like ancient Egyptians via hieroglyphs? Or, will they be viewed as a way for frustrated nerds to express feelings without words?

The craziest part about going back and finding the best memes for 2018 was the fact I completely forgot we had a winter olympics  last year. That has nothing to do with memes, but I hope you find that as mind blowing as I did.

Whether you enjoy memes or not, we can all agree that private instagram accounts were one of the worst things to come out of 2018 for social media. Few things are more annoying than checking your messages to find you can’t view the image unless you follow the account. Then you have to decide if you want to actually follow the account, or if you should just have your friend screen shot it.

There are plenty of good memes on private meme accounts,  but sometimes you just have to draw the line. 

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