20 Dollar Chef - Best of 2018

Feels like I am walking out of the ocean, surfboard under arm with that post adrenaline blood flow rush, breathing heavy, after riding the biggest wave of my life and making it out alive. That would sum up 2018 for me. For the record, I’ve never surfed. I just assume that’s how one would feel in that situation.

2018 was one hell of a year for me personally. Hard to believe that much can happen in one calendar year. One thing stayed consistent and that was Booze (My Producer) and Myself filming 20 dollar Chef 2-4 times a week. Didn’t matter where we were or what we were up too. We found a way. It’s by far the most consistent project I’ve ever committed myself to in 22 years of official adulthood. Luckily it’s the most fun “Job” I’ve ever had. The places its taken me, the doors it’s opened, the journey it’s set me on… It’s what I’ve been working for and unknowingly been prepping for since I started stand up in 2001.

This show is just a Snapchat thing I used to do for my 200 snap followers, turned 5-minute internet show. I love running my mouth and saying dumb shit. I enjoy making people laugh and if I can help them learn a couple things from my mistakes and experimentations in the kitchen, well that’s a win-win.

I want to thank everyone who supports this show and those who enjoying hating on it:) Keeps us wanting to continue making these and growing ideas. Here is a 5 min compilation clip Booze put together from about 8 hours of material over the year. Hope you enjoy watching it.

Thanks for riding along with us. We are looking forward to a big 2019. As long as you laugh, we will keep rolling along.

Appreciate the fuck out of you guys.

I hope I’m up for analogy of the year with that surfboard shit.

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