Bill Burr Gives His Thoughts on Whether or Not It Is Okay To Clap When a Plane Lands

On today's Pardon My Take... Bill Burr! The actor and comedian joined the show once again to chat with Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter about a myriad of topics. Bill is once again starting a tour back up this summer all around the country, a recap of his time on Saturday Night Live, and much more. Another subject the guys discussed was the debate on whether or not it is okay to clap when a plane lands. Here is how that unfolded: 

Mr. Commenter: Are you a guy that will compliment a pilot on a landing? Like casually, on the way out the door, because I've always wanted to be that guy, but I'm never confident in judging the landing as it happens. So, I'm concerned when I go by, it might not have been a good landing. I'm like, "Hey, nice landing."

Bill Burr: If you didn't die, and they didn't break the plane, it's a fucking great landing. Because you also don't know what they're dealing with. They can be coming in at the last second, you ever have that feeling when you're coming in sideways? And you got like 300 people, and your own life on the line. I don't know how they do that, and then at the last second, they turn it like this. Sometimes, if the wind changes or something, I mean, I don't know shit about planes, but they got to set it down hard. They don't have the options that a helicopter has. 

Mr. Cat: We should honestly clap more. I know that it's always ridiculous when a plane lands and everyone claps...

Bill Burr: Ohhhh, no clapping. I hate that. 

Mr. Cat: No, we should clap more! 

Mr. Commenter: I do like the clap. 

Mr. Cat: Why not? It's incredible that we landed!

Mr. Commenter: It puts you all on the same team, Bill. You're over here complaining about nothing's unified anymore. When an entire plane gives a round of applause for a safe landing, you feel like you're all in this together.

Bill Burr: Alright, fair enough. But I will tell you this like douche chills. I actually also feel it's disrespectful to the pilot that you have, you know what I mean? Would you clap if Jordan was just doing a shoot around?

Mr. Cat: Yeah.

Mr. Commenter: Yeah, definitely.

Mr. Cat: What about at the end of movies? I'll clap at the end of movies sometimes. 

Bill Burr: If it's great. Listen, if we're in ridiculous turbulence, okay, and I think I'm going to die when that guy lands it, oh yeah. I'm fucking (whistling), I'll go nuts. But if it's a sunny fucking day, let's not get crazy. First of all, those fucking guys, by the second turn, they already got it on auto pilot. And they're up there shooting the shit, they take naps up there. 

Mr. Cat: So? Clap for auto pilot. Clap for the technology. 

Bill Burr: Well, you find me the person that invented it, and then the person that installed it, and I'll do that.

Welp, safe to say there was a slight disagreement here. I see both sides of the equation. The fact that you were in charge of transporting a vehicle thousands of feet into the air and getting everyone to their destination safely is a very big deal. But should you clap after someone simply does their job? That's where we are at. 

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