Mess With Me And They Will Never Find Your Body
Drive-by Birthday parade for a 39-year-old hag (1:29)
This is the type of man that wears a shirt like this (12:00)
Found at a truck stop gas station: “My husband’s wife is freaking awesome.” (16:35)
A shirt with a picture of a burrito: “I’m in to fitness. Fitness burrito in my mouth.” - Oh, the laughs. (24:19)
Available in SMALL thru 5XL: “HOW YOU DOIN.” - Joey from FRIENDS. (27:10)
*Bonus, 17 awful shirts from one email (27:10)
Matching couple t-shirts: “Bonnie and Clyde” (40:02)
5 Things You Should Know About My Husband: "Mess With Me, And They Will Never Find Your Body." (45:42)
Hoodies' & T-Shirts
