Date Ideas, Nipple Talk, And Chaps Reminisces About When He Was A Hollister Model – The Podfathers

Podfathers #55: Chaps and Clem Want to Go On More Dates

Well that headline is an absolute mindfuck, but it pretty accurately sums up this week on The Podfathers. We opened up the Mailbag and the Mayday line to Stoolies and as usual they brought the thunder (Click here to submit to the mailbag or call 347-746-8637 for the Mayday line since we should be using them A LOT going forward).

We had moms venting about kiddies titty sucking and weirdos at the grocery store touching their kids. Dads talking about hitting the rookie parenting wall and wondering when they should put their foot down against their newly-minted mom wives. And two podcasts hosts complaining about the appearance of their nipples. The Kids & Family section of iTunes has never been so alive!

And like every episode of Podfathers, we peeled back another layer of the Chaps onion and learned that he used to work as a sexy piece of meat that used to just setup shop outside of Hollister back in his young days. Flowing locks, rock hard body, and a handsome face somehow even sexier than the one that graces this here blog today. So listen to this week’s episode or else I will make sure this image sneaks its way into random blogs not even written by Chaps or myself.

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