The Podfathers – Father's Day Recap

Podfathers #34: Father's Day

So this was the first Father’s Day that we have celebrated since The Podfathers unholy trinity formed and let me tell you folks, it was a fucking DOOZY just getting this podcast recorded. We had Chaps calling in from a bathroom at Disney like a hostage from Taken. We had me dealing with a kid that had a 103 degree fever because yesterday was a holiday and she gets sick EVERY FUCKING HOLIDAY. And we had KFC juggling his wife’s doctor’s appointments and roughly 2,000 hours of radio/podcasts to record today. Trying to get everything set up was peak Podfathers chaos. But we were able to record which is all that matters.

On the podcast we break down our respective Father’s Days. Chaps was battling long lines and fat people with fanny packs at Disney. I was battling my kid’s immune system. And KFC was happy as a clam after getting pampered yesterday. Yes that’s right folks, history was made today. Kevin Francis Clancy was the happiest guy on a Barstool Sports podcast. The Sultan of Spite was satisfied. The Colossus of Contempt could not complain. Everything was hunky dory in the Clancy household yesterday and it kiiinda pisses me off.

So check out the podcast. We get Chaps’ breakdown of the daily battle that is a Disney vacation. Kevin getting the gift no father is truly ever ready to receive. And me starting the FAT D movement, which is not what you think.

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