The Podfathers - Your Life Is Over, You Can't Do Anything Fun, And Everyone Is Judging Everything You Do

Podfathers #14: Can't Do It

With the Oscar nominations being announced yesterday, the three idiot Barstool bloggers that decided to have kids reminisced about all the things they are no longer able to do now that kids are in their lives. Movies, traveling, and a bunch of other stuff. Just gone in the blink of an eye. Poof, vamoose, son of a bitch. In their places are shitty road trips which you regret immediately or trips in the plane which you regret the millisecond you get on the plane.

And if losing your freedom, always being tired, and being responsible in every facet for a tiny human wasn’t enough, you are also being judged by other parents, neighbors, and just your everyday strangers for everything you do and don’t do with your kid. So our newest segment, Don’t Judge Me, obviously led to some fired Podfathers dialing up their passion to a pronounced 10. Whether it’s your kid being under your mounted TV, not putting on socks, or anything else. Don’t fucking judge us. We all watched that depressing ass Super Bowl commercial two years ago. By acknowledging we saw that commercial, we are basically agreeing to all terms of being a parent and we are completely responsible if anything bad happens on our watch.

The guys also touched on KFC’s move to the burbs, Chaps on his way to reclaiming some happiness with another enormous TV, and my angry alter-ego Phone Clem whipped himself into a frenzy because his family has been sick for a month and he’s watched the Toy Story trilogy at least 100 times.

Oh yeah and Kevin Francis Clancy dropped one of the worst culinary takes you will ever hear in your life on Barstool’s airwaves.

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