KFC Radio Episode 192 - What Do Guys Expect To See When Girls Send Nudes?

KFCR #192: World Series

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Nudes. The most important thing in society today. One of the greatest shifts in socialization is the advent of the nude sext. I swear one day historians will look back on the timeline of the world and be like “You’ll see, right around here, circa 2000, the entire world started focusing solely on sending and receiving nudes. Men spent upwards of 60% of their day convincing women to electronically send naked photos. Women spent 60% of their day trying to take the perfect nude. Then they almost elected Donald Trump and when you put it all together, thats what caused the downfall of modern America.”

So yesterday the question was from Colleen asking when guys ask for nudes, what are they hoping to receive – and – can really good nudes set the bar too high on expectations for when you see someone in person? Feitelbergs answer will absolutely not surprise you.

We also talk about what to do if your girlfriend punches you in the face – twice, what would the title of your autobiography be, what happens if your significant other calls you by an ex’s name, how to handle your father in law, and why I’m such a bitter fuck when it comes to sports. JAM packed episode. Plug in juice up.

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