Jed Hoyer Told A Whopper So Big Today That You Have No Choice But To Respect Him

Episode 24: Jordan Montgomery Gets Traded On Starting 9

I'll be honest guys. I've been explaining GM behavior on this blog for nearly a decade and never in that time have I been more confused than with what's coming out of Jed Hoyer's mouth right now. I mean that sincerely. The laws of science, logic and common sense fail to apply and I can't figure out if it's me or the message.

In my mind, the Cubs kept Happ and Contreras because they didn't have the returns available from whoever. That's a fairly obvious assumption. They were very much trying to move players as evidenced by quite literally every piece of evidence. And it didn't happen. 

Okay fair. 

So now we're talking player value as people? Am I blind deaf stupid dumb or delirious? Did someone put drugs in my tap water? What a downright outrageous stance to take after shopping these guys relentlessly. If we're valuing people then how does the combo of Schwarber, Rizzo, Lester all walk? Truthfully and I really mean truthfully here. TRUTHFULLY - if the potential returns were bigger, we're not talking character. If the sliders are sharper and the projections stronger then the Cubs are not talking about players as people. They're talking about depth and talent and getting better baseball players. 

I am not exaggerating when I say I'm taking crazy pills. No disrespect to Ian Happ and Willson Contreras - two guys I value very much. I just think it would be a ridiculous thing to believe Jed Hoyer the second he starts talking about character and leadership and intangibles. Makes no sense. 

Even so I try to sort it out this week. Watch the video below then subscribe to starting 9 here 

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