Happy James Harden Day To All Who Observe!

Philly vs. Boston: A "Civilized" NBA Discussion

What do you get when you have a certified MVP/God whipping it out and putting up 30/10 almost every night and give him a first ballot HOF outside talent who (during a season he isn't even trying) is averaging 22/10/8? You get hard. A Harden, if you will. I honestly have zero idea how tonight or the rest of the season will play out other than it's better taking a chance on this than what the Sixers were stuck with before. And for that, we're thankful. 

To prepare for tonight's basketball contest, an enlightening NBA Eastern Conference discussion was had with Handsome Hank and Coley Mick that featured 100% objective and non-biased, factual evidence. Kind of. We'll hang up and listen. 

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