I'm Starting To Think Chief Was Bullied In Elementary School, As He Should Have Been

Thursday 4/2/20 - Nickelodeon Show Snake Draft

Needless to say, Barstool Chicago is a bit strapped for cash when it comes to our podcasts right now, as no garbagemen or Burger King managers can come into the office for Dog Walk and there are no sports to talk about for Red Line Radio.  But as my good friend Billy Beane says...

So we have, and we have particularly well for Dog Walk IMO. How you ask? Well we figured out this completely new aged, original and proprietary segment where we rank and/or draft different things every Thursday and Friday. NOBODY HAS EVER DONE THIS BEFORE and it's created for fantastic engagement on social media.  

But it's also forced us to get to know each other a lot more. I'm not embellishing when I say this, but you learn a LOT about people when you ask them to rank or draft things to create the best roster of whatever you're ranking or drafting possible, and I have come to learn that my friend Chief had a really shiitty childhood. Like... there's not a doubt in my mind he was picked on, bullied, harassed and beat up non-stop.

Why you ask?

Well let's rewind it back to last week when we ranked snack food:

What a complete and total aborted fetus of a list. Apple sauce? Teddy Grahams? And what in the flying fuck are handy-snacks? I don't even know tbh but it doesn't sound good. Fuck you

And as you can see the people agreed. I figured this was just a one off thing and blamed it more on Chief's parents, but then today we got to our Nickelodeon draft:

Absolutely fucking PATHETIC list. It's truly offensive how bad it is, and again, the people agreed:

And on and on it went. A complete and total onslaught of vicious comments directed at Chief's tastes of childhood television.  So it begs the question:

How big of a loser was Chief in elementary school? If I would have been in his 5th grade class I would have bullied him all day every day, to the point where he cried and ate his shitty lunch in a bathroom stall. Absolutely pathetic.

Oh, and today we broke down our favorite MTV shows. Per usual, Chief's sucked, and I would have been remiss to not give our girl Back Door Teen Mom a shoutout:

Listen to all Dog Walk episodes here:


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