The Podfathers Guide To Surviving Being Quarantined At Home With Your Children

Podfathers S3E11: And. Here. We. Go…

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought the fight to our front door and our kids into our living rooms now that schools are closed. But fear not Podfam, because we are all in this parenting pitfall together. Large and I discuss all the fallout from the outbreak, how our kids are dealing with life at home, rebuking the hoarders buying up all the sanitizer, and read some of the best suggestions from listeners for how to deal with filling a whole lot of free time for their little ones. Trust me, if you house is becoming as chaotic as mine during these trying times, this is the most Must Listen episode in Podfathers history.

We also reopened the Mayday Line for people that need to unleash their frustrations during this trying time. Call us up at 347-746-8637 and leave a voicemail when, not if, your little family drives you crazy. So subscribe, rate 5 stars, and get that phone ready because we are all in this together.

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