Emergency We Gotta Believe: Cuncel Da Cohen Deal?!?

WGB #37: The Sky Is Possibly Falling

No exaggeration- This is the most pivotal podcast we have done as it pertains to the New York Mets. We're talking end of days type shit. According to a source, THE STEVE COHEN DEAL IS DEAD. Our fears have been realized and the Wilpons found a way to screw it up. 

If this is true, we're the first ones to the news. But if there were ever a time where you pray you're wrong, this is it. We'd gladly take the egg on our faces and welcome "Straight Cash" Cohen into our lives. But as of now, it doesn't seem like it's in the cards. 

Grab a loved one, call your Mets Anonymous sponsor and hold on tight because we don't know how much longer we can believe. If/when we hear anything concrete, we will make sure to talk about it on the pod. So subscribe and Rate 5 stars on iTunes or Spotify.

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