Fox News Harassment Victims Tell Megyn Kelly What "Bombshell" Got Right and Wrong - Kirk Minihane Show

It Never Ends

Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly dropped a bombshell of her own yesterday afternoon with film screening of the new Fox-focused film Bombshell, featuring exclusive interviews with three other women who say they experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault while working at the network. The thirty-minute YouTube video includes clips from the movie and reactions from the women whose lives are represented on screen -- Juliet Huddy, Rudi Bakhtiar, Julie Zann, and Kelly herself. (For some reason the video also includes Kelly's husband, Doug.) On today's episode of the Kirk Minihane Show, Minihane reacts to Kelly's interviews and the sordid allegations the women lodge against some of the most famous men (and women) in the news media (1:09:00).


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