Podfathers Season 3 Is Here With A Fresh Reboot! Help Us Help You Raise Your Kids

Podfathers Season 3 Episode 1: We're Here To Help ft. Brandon Newman

It’s a New Year, which means it’s a new us on The Podfathers show. That’s right, we are rebooting the podcast by telling the origin stories of how we became parents. Alright, I think that’s enough modern Hollywoody terms to describe what’s happening here.

Back in 2016, myself, Chaps, and KFC set out to make the realest parenting podcast ever. We had read skimmed through all the parenting books and realized there was a market for telling the TRUE experiences of childhood. Yeah there would be sappy stories and sound advice. But we would also tell the chaotic, crazy, and poop-filled stories that happen once you become someone’s mom or dad. Over the last 20 years, I’ve gone to college, worked in the real world, gotten married, and bought a house. But all those experiences combined didn’t touch how much my life changed once my kid was born.

When we launched this podcast, only a few bloggers had kids as well as solid base of Stoolies who had grow up with Barstool either had kids or were about to have kids. Obviously as time has past and Barstool has exploded, we have gotten a bunch of new bloggers as well as Stoolies that either have crossed into the Upside Down of parenting or are about to, which led to people asking which episodes of Podfathers they should listen to in order to get the Do’s/Don’ts of parenting.

However, a ton has happened since 2016. Chaps now has a kid in high school and elementary school, I my wife had another kid and Siena is in kindergarten, KFC…well KFC’s entire family dynamic has changed completely and he isn’t on the pod anymore, even though we are hoping to have him on to check in with his current dynamic which is not all that uncommon in the year 2020 along with Big Cat and any other Barstool dads. We’ve replaced Kevin with that big son of a bitch Large, who brings in an older/richer dynamic to the podcast. And of course, we have a buttload of Stoolies that are in a completely different part of life as they were 4 years ago.

Which is why we decided to hit the rest button on the pod and bring it all the way back to the beginning from the time you find out you are going to become a parent until you are sent home and are in charge of keeping a little human alive all on your own before delving into the typical wild and crazy stories/mailbag questions from the world. This week, we invited in one of Barstool’s newest hires Brandon Newman to get his feelings on being a new dad while also rehashing how we felt when we found out we were going to be a dad. I personally was terrified because I found out I was having a kid at one of the worst times you can find out, which was pretty much out of a goddamn movie or sitcom.

But I somehow made it just like everyone else makes it (Read: Because you don’t really have a goddamn choice and life keeps moving forward). However, it’s nice to listen to other people going on a similarly fucked up journey through the game of life with you or you can laugh at our misery, as a bunch of non-parent Stoolies seem to enjoy, which is fine with me since I’d probably do the same.

So if you have made it this far in the blog yet somehow haven’t subscribed to the podcast and rated it 5 stars, please do so now on iTunes or Spotify.

Also, that stuff in the headline about helping you raise your kids is exclusively meant for us to give advice as three everyday average dads, not actually raise your kids. Actually if you tweet at Large, he may pay for a nanny to help raise your kids. But I will just be giving my 2 cents to help you raise your kids in figurative form instead of literal form or actually watching them because my own kids have already driven me nuts.

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