Hard Factor 7/16: Congresswomen Held Anti Trump Press Conference and Alabama Meth Gators

Hard Factor 7/16: Congresswomen Held Anti Trump Press Conference and Alabama Meth Gators

On today’s episode…

Trump Had a Day

Trump pissed off the congresswomen you see in the photo above.  Might have had something to do with the twitter rant saying they should go back home and clean up their own countries backyards before trying to comment on American politics.

Classic Donald.

Trump also signed an executive order for that requires federal agencies to purchase products using a higher percentage of American components.

Also in the ‘NEWS BUFFET’

– Alabama might have meth gators on their hands soon

– A chess grand master cheated at chess tournaments by using his smart phone on fake crapper breaks

– Jeffrey Epstein has at least 60 million in cash floating around

– Australian pre teens stole the family car and went on a 10 hour joy ride

and much more, including the return of @HardFactorWes

Speaking of buying American… today’s episode of Hard Factor was brought to you by: wethepeopleholsters.com/factor






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