Hard Factor 7/9: Jeffrey Epstein is Allegedly a Child Trafficking Rapist Scumbag Piece of Shit

Hard Factor 7/9: Jeffrey Epstein is Allegedly a Child Trafficking Rapist Scumbag Piece of Shit

On today’s episode…

Jeffrey Epstein is Leading the Race for Earth’s Worse Person

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire child sex trafficker rapist, was all over the news yesterday. Epstein was smart enough to make billions of dollars, but not smart enough to not keep labeled CD-ROM’s of underage girls he and his buddies fucked as well as nude photos of said victims in a safe in his 50 million dollar upper-east side mansion. Allegedly? Uhh Oh. You’d think a guy with his resources might have some sort of contingency plan.

Epstein had a number of high profile friends (alleged child molesters) on both sides of the aisle. According to Christine Pelosi, a Democratic National Committee official and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said ” “It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may – whether on Republicans or Democrats.” I wonder who she is talking about…

Well said angry internet ladies Sheryl and Helen, you can’t dip your stick in a kid and get away with it.






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