Game Of Stools: Battle Of Winterfell Recap And Reactions

S8E3 The Battle of Winterfell

On today’s Game of Stools, we review the single biggest battle scene in the history of television. You know the stats. 55 days of filming that cost a bazillion dollars. So there is clearly a ton to break down. What were the biggest surprises? What were the biggest disappointments? Should Jon Snow be locked up for another military planning catastrophe as well as reckless dragoning? Was this episode darker than the final frame of The Sopranos? Did we deserve to learn more about The Night Kind’s past? What is our direwolf and dragon situation looking like? Was Theon’s arc a fair payoff? Does Arya win MVP for her last minute heroics? And what happens next now that the dead are gone but Cersei has a shitload of living people at her command? All that a shitload more.

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