The Voice of the New York Yankees, John Sterling, Is On The Short Porch Today As We Officially Join The Barstool Sports Network

Episode 81: With John Sterling, The Voice Of The New York Yankees

Big guest on The Short Porch today, the voice of the New York Yankees, Mr. John Sterling. The man has one of the more iconic voices in all of sports. We talked about the current state of the Yankees, stories from the 1940s, his streak of not missing a game since 1981, and other random stuff including peeing next to to Joe Buck.

This is our first show on the Barstool Sports podcast network and full disclosure it’s fucking awesome to be here. We started this a year ago to get a Yankees presence on this site, and we’ll need all of your help as we continue this war against Carrabis and Section 10. I might not be for everyone, Tommy might not be either, but if you want a Yankees podcast for your commute in, you’re not finding a better one than this. We are a strict anti-Greg Bird podcast, so if you’re a Bird stan you’re not going to like this show, sorry in advance. We’ll also never say the ‘Injured List’ over the ‘Disabled List.’ If you have a normal brain you’ll love us. We’re going to have shows every Monday and Thursday during the season. Adam Ottavino is our guest on Thursday and we’ll have two more guys for you next week as we race to Opening Day on the 28th. As we go through the season we’re going to have Thursday based mainly around an interview while Monday will be more of a recap of shit going on. I’m so excited to see where this goes. We’ll have Frankie, Willie Colon, Marty Mush, and Bob Fox on semi-regularly as well, as they are the Yankees fans in the office along with us. We’re just fighting the good fight and we need you along for the ride. Please subscribe, download, unsubscribe, subscribe, download, and listen. Let’s fucking go!!!

Follow us on Instagram too. We’re going to be doing Insta-live shows during games throughout the year. Sort of like in-game mini podcasts where you can interact with us.

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