Schnitt Talk S1E19: Spring Break Bod, Baby

S1E19 Food Is Not The Enemy with Jackie London R.D.

This week’s episode of Schnitt Talk we discuss having a Spring Break body and all the super unhealthy shit we tend to do to get one. Jackie London RD (registered dietician) and author of “Dressing on the Side: (And Other Diet Myths Debunked) joins us to teach us how to eat and drink on spring break in a healthy way without compromising all the fun.

I am a FULL zombie in this episode because I only got 3 hours of sleep beforehand, so there are a lot of moments that I’m so out of it I sound like Karen from Mean Girls. If you’re from Africa, why are you white? Also, I explain how much fun it is to flirt with people you’re not supposed to flirt with (as long as you never cross The Line).

Listen on iTunes and Spotify.

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