Bert Kreischer Joins KFC Radio And We Quickly Get To Talking Quicksand Porn And Period Parties

Bert Kreischer, Water Wigglies, Period Parties and Quicksand Porn

Not to pump our own tires too much but this is a 10/10 episode. Kevin has called it our best ever. So, if you listen to one KFC Radio make it this one.

Bert Kreischer, you may have heard of him (he’s a famous comedian but also, I think, lesser known he’s the inspiration for Van Wilder), joins us and we talk about everything from quicksand porn to period parties to accidentally drinking a beer at his daughter’s parent-teacher conference. He’s unbelievably funny.

We’ve also got voicemails which really go off the rails. Would you keep dating a girl who got your initials tattooed after your third date? Would you rather meet your great great grandparents or your great great grandchildren? How hard is it to be a scientist or inventor when you have to worry about how everyone’s gonna try and have sex with things? Finally, how creepy is a guy who has his living sister’s portrait tattooed on his arm?

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