Why 3 Veterans In NYC Are Freaking Out

100th Episode Special featuring Rob O'Neill

Two veteran Marines & an Army officer in NYC are freaking out today. And it’s because we’ve hit the 100th episode of Zero Blog Thirty. What a ride it’s been… It started out with just Chaps & Cons & then I came in at episode 45 and the podcast quite literally changed the course of my life. NBD.

Since 2016, ZBT’s had one of Bowe Berghdal’s platoon mates, Sean Spicer, Kenny Mayne, players from the NHL & MLB, Generals, members of Congress, Medal of Honor recipients, authors, journalists & more from all ends of the political & personality spectrum… We’ve also advocated for getting rid of the stigma of seeking help for mental health. (No shame to the therapy game.)

4:20 – Chaps, Cons & I talk about the very not 420 vibez in D.C. this week. We think it’s the nuttiest week yet with our favorite part of the political circus being Gen. Mattis telling former Press Secretery Sean Spicer to quit bugging him about making appearances.

“Sean, I’ve killed people for a living. If you call me again I’m going to fucking send you to Afghanistan. Are we clear?”

11:28 – The gang is joined by Rob O’Neill, better known as ‘the SEAL who shot Osama Bin Laden’. We’ve had him on the podcast before where he’s told the story of the op that took out the world’s most infamous terrorist, so this time we focus on other stories you probably haven’t heard.

O’Neill tells us about pranks in the SEAL locker room, including an enormous frozen ball of poop, and the rescue of Marcus Luttrell of Lone Survivor. We also give him some rapid fire questions, discuss the time he got kicked off a plane & talk about his hometown of Butte, Montana.

Thank you so much to all our listeners & if you’re not one yet – check us out, like & subscribe. You don’t have to be military or government related to join in. Here’s to 100 more!

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