KFC Radio Quickie: Watchlist Wednesday, The Shows We're Watching

WATCHLIST: Succession, Shooter, Handmaid's Tale, and 24

The other day we had someone tweet and ask us if we could talk about what we’re watching in our free time, thus Watchlist Wednesday was born. We’re going to start using Wednesday’s Quickie to discuss the new (or old) shows that we’ve been bingeing when we’re not diligently doing work for Barstool Sports.

This week we’ve got

Succession – the story of an extremely rich and powerful media family who’s in the midst of an extreme power struggle. It feels like it didn’t get your standard HBO push because I haven’t heard too many people talking about it, but it’s tremendous. Very, very high recommend.

Handmaid’s Tale – Kevin is the only one watching this because I still haven’t gotten over my hatred for Elizabeth Moss’ face and general disposition, but he loves it. Not exactly breaking news here, as it won just about every Emmy last year, but he puts his seal of approval on it. Kev says it reminds him of Leftovers and if you ever read any of his 100,000 word breakdowns on Leftover eps, you know that’s high praise.

Shooter – This one is, obviously, me. The third season started a few weeks ago but the first two are available on Netflix. I like it better than the movie and claim the show is comparable to 24 (a show I haven’t seen).

Iliza Shlesinger’s new standup “Elder Millenial” – Another Kevin recommendation. He says it’s hysterical, I say the Netflix preview reminds me of Sweet Dee’s “The Joke’s On Me” set.

Listen to the full episode for deeper breakdowns.

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