Paralyzed Georgetown Football Player Walks Across Graduation Stage For First Time Since 2015 Hit

In 2015, Georgetown RB Ty Williams sustained a devastating hit in the Hoyas season opener against St. Francis (PA). The injury, 5 broken bones in the vertebrae/neck area, left Williams in a wheelchair.

Williams was never told he wasn’t going to walk again, but it was clear he had a long road ahead of him. Soon after the injury, Williams started rehab and continued to attend classes at Georgetown. One of Williams’ goals after the injury was to walk across the stage at graduation. Over the weekend in Washington, D.C., he did exactly that as the last student to walk across the stage at Georgetown’s graduation:

Football is a beautiful yet dangerous sport. I and every football fan wish Ty Williams nothing but the best in the upcoming years. Congratulations to him for graduating from such a great school under circumstances I couldn’t imagine and a big thank you to him for the inspiration to stay positive, hold the line, and keep moving forward.

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