A Video Of Chris Evans Shitfaced On The 'Age of Ultron' Red Carpet Has Resurfaced And It's Pretty Damn Funny

When you try to warn everybody about how wasted you are before the interview starts but you realize you walked onto a live set…


“Just lettin’ ya guys know, I’m wast-fine! I’m fine!”

Some people are angry drunks, some are sloppy drunks, some are emotional drunks, and some…some are happy drunks. And those are the best drunks, because no matter how much you sober up, they never lose their luster. Happy drunks are always just lookin’ to brighten the room up and enjoy each and every aspect of what life has to offer, no matter how big or small. When you pair a “happy drunk” personality with the man that is Chris Evans, the man that is Captain America, well you’re looking at the most pure homo sapien on the planet ladies and gentlemen. And while he can’t say he’s a tapDANCER, he did grow up tapdancing.

Dang Elizabeth Olsen, spilling the beans and whatnot.

P.S. Making the reporter repeat her completely unnecessary statement, “You’re talking live to the Marvel fans right now!” (UH, YA THINK?), but then acting as if she just informed him that his family escaped a burning building shows just how cool a dude Chris Evans is. Especially when he’s got a few Bud Lights in him.

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