Kent State Girl Graduates With A "Come and Get It" Cap And Possibly The Biggest Gun I've Ever Seen Not Attached To A Tank

I’m not going to talk about gun control.  I’m not going to offer any opinions on the matter.  I’m already balls deep in an Israel vs. Palestine argument with Francis and I don’t have the bandwidth to spread myself any thinner intellectually.  Kait Meow is a big proponent of campus carry.  We’re talking BIG proponent.  Look at the size of that fucking gun!

Feel like she could have made her point with something a little more low key than the fucking sniper rifle from Halo, but then again, that’s what she was trying to do: make a statement.  Certainly caught my attention with that 5 foot long BEAST of a weapon.   Gotta think she kind of has a point with the whole “deterrent” argument of Campus Carry too.  Maybe I’m a coward but if I’m heading over to shoot up a college I’m having big time second thoughts if I see little blondes in white sundresses walking around the quad with fucking scoped rifles straight out of Fortnite.   I will not be Coming to Take It.

Also a lot of kids are stumped when they graduate and have no idea what their career path is.  Kait’s got a front office job with the NRA lined up starting like, tomorrow after these things go viral.

“I graduated and the Left did not win.”

Wayne LaPierre is literally cumming.

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