Friday's Top Ten Time Wasters - Artie Lange Moments

Welcome back to Friday’s Top Ten Time Wasters. Last week was Celtics vs LeBron, this week is Artie Lange moments. It would’ve been really easy for me to make this a Top 100 list, instead I’m sticking to format and narrowed it down to ten. Some of these are pretty vulgar so if you consider yourself warned. Enjoy.

10. Norm Maconald introduces Artie to Howard Part 1 & 2

9. Artie fights his assistant Teddy after he asks for a raise.

8. Artie VS High Pitch Mike.

7. Artie’s crooked cop buddy. 

6. Artie gets into it with porn star “Crystal Clear.”

5. Any time Artie and Sal ever had to interact.

4. Artie trying to get paid from Andrew Dice Clay. 

3. Artie’s Ash Wednesday story.

2. Artie’s Pig Costume story. 

1. Artie on Joe Buck Live Parts 1 & 2

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