The Notorious One Is Back In The Gym

Hell yeah. Land that takedown champ! Throw those strikes but pull back on them so they don’t actually hurt your training partner champ!

Conor McGregor is back in the gym and looking like he’s in mid-season form here, I mean seriously, unbelievable. Better than ever. He’s focused, he’s determined, he’s quick on his feet, and he is VIOLENT! Boy is he violent! He seems to really be taking some aggression out on his training partner. This is all shit you could tell from this poor security camera footage, of course.

Just kidding, that’s just what TMZ said about this clip of extremely light sparring. For some reason this has become a national news story now. “Conor’s back” this, “Conor’s back” that. Conor never left the gym ya fookin’ idiots. Buy a shirt!







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