Local Stoolie Fighting For Weak Immune System Rights Everywhere

HUDSON (CBS) Students in Hudson will soon have a robotic classmate. Lawmakers just ruled a boy with disabilities can attend school remotely. Keegan Concannon is out of school a lot, 115 days this year. The seventh grader lives with an immune deficiency that makes him susceptible to infections.“We’ve been fighting for a long time,” said Laura Concannon, Keegan’s mother. “He’s a smart young man. He has such a strong desire to learn. He’s a 4.0 student. He just wants to be part of his teachers, part of his classmates and the everyday environment he misses.”Thanks to a VGo robot, Keegan no longer has to miss out. He can log on from home, see and hear his teachers and classmates, ask questions and then “travel” to his next class. “Keegan’s like ‘oh we’re doing it,’” Laura said. “We’re going to make a difference for all kids, not just me.”

Fuck yeah. The fact this kid even had to fight for this is insane. I mean I know a thing or two about weak immune systems and it ain’t no joke. Hell I wouldn’t mind installing these things at Barstool World HQ’s. I mean we have a real sick people problem here. Liz coming in coughing all over everybody like it ain’t no thing. These VGo robots would solve this problem in a heartbeat. The second you get sick you just stay home and work via robot. It’s a win win for everybody. And obviously these robots would have to be 2 way robots so I can watch my employees at home and make sure they are really sick and aren’t dicking around watching the Price is Right. I think this son of a bitch Keegan Concannon just revolutionized the sick day game forever.

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