The Infinity Gauntlet & Thanos Are Invading Fortnite Tomorrow Thanks To The Russo Brothers

(EW) – The “Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup” mode for Battle Royale will feel just like a standard slugfest — with one major difference: One hundred players will descend upon the map and fight until one player is left standing, as usual, but this time you’ll do so with the Infinity Gauntlet in play.

The artifact containing all six Infinity Stones — the same one Thanos used to cripple Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the big screen — will appear on the map. Whomsoever finds and equips it will transform into Thanos himself, wielding all the power that comes with him.

As it turns out, Avengers: Infinity War co-directors Joe and Anthony Russo — just like rapper Drake and the millions of other players worldwide — are massive Fornite fans. “Over the past few months, while we were editing Infinity War, we’d take breaks to hop on and get in a few games,” Joe exclusively told EW. “And then we started thinking, how cool would it be to have some kind of Avengers–Fortnite mashup?

Uhhh Pepper we have a Hulk. In my damn pants. To quote Tyrese in any of the Fast Furious movies, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!”

My body is still shaking with my mind still in disbelief, but even this early on I’m not afraid to say this is the greatest mashup of ALL-TIME. Like seriously what are the odds this would actually happen in any of the 14 million realities? The hottest video game on planet Earth fused with the biggest movie release in decades cutting through all the red tape just to give the people what they want. What they NEED. And somehow no one saw it coming even with Season 4 being a Superhero/Villian theme.


Generally, incredibly hyped up events like this are always a let down and although I’m fully prepared for that one reality, either way the possibilities this could lead too content wise are literally endless. Marvel and John Wick are a great start no doubt but with just about every pro athlete, celebrity, musician and creators like the Russo Brothers playing Fortnite along with the world, it really does seem like the sky is the limit.

Follow @StoolGametime for updates until tomorrow since this news all just dropped a hour ago and my head is still spinning. Gametime will be fired up and ready to ASSEMBLE on Twitch that is for sure. If we have to stream all damn day to get our hands on the Mad Titan, then so be it.

The road to Thanos begins and ends in Barstool HQ.

(Check out the Avengers SUPER BLOG from Clem if you wanna keep getting Infinity stoned)

ICYMI: The Road to Big Tuna’s 1000th Victory Royale was paved in greatness last week, congrats to the truest legend of the game…

Watch BIG TUNA 1000th VICTORY ROYALE LLAMA DANCE PARRRRTAY!!! from Barstoolsports on

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