The Videos Of Lava Flowing Through Hawaii After The Kilauea Volcano Erupted Are Absolutely Crazy

It seems like every couple of months we get another reminder how Mother Nature can be a mean, powerful bitch and unfortunately the good people of Hawaii are the ones living out that reality right now. We’ve seen the chaos wind, water, and snow can cause. But now we are watching liquid magma flow through the streets and consume houses and cars like hell has arrived on Earth. And if that wasn’t enough, there are also lava fountains shooting that evil into the air.

There’s a reason that kids play Hot Lava when they are young. Because that shit is pretty much the most terrifying shit you can imagine with your brain. So to all the Hawaiian Stoolies, be safe. Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon. And to all the crazy fucks that want to get up close and personal with flowing and/or flying lava, think of another place to vacation to.

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