We've Entered The Twilight Zone: Mariano Rivera Now Works For President Trump

Yankees legend Mariano Rivera, Patriots coach Bill Belichick, golfer Natalie Gulbis, Olympic beach volleyball star Misty May-Treanor, Herschel Walker, and Dr. Oz will be appointed to President Trump’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition, according to Axios.

Formerly known as the Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition while President Obama was in office, Trump’s cabinet of jocks will reportedly be tasked with getting more kids involved in sports. Under Obama, the group promoted improving nutrition alongside Michelle Obama’s school lunch initiative.

We’ve now officially entered the Twilight Zone folks, Mariano Rivera is working for President Donald Trump. The whole idea behind this initiative is to encourage kids is be more active and get involved sports. Rivera joins, without question, the most random group of people assembled in the history of this planet: Bill Belichick, golfer Natalie Gulbis, volleyball player Misty May-Treanor, Hershel Walker, and DOCTOR OZ. Wait…what?!

It’s pretty obvious Trump wants to start closing out every war and battle for now on. He’s tired of starting campaigns and initiatives only for them to get abandoned in the later stages. This is a fool proof plan unless the ISIS or a future political rival acquire David Ortiz, Bill Mueller and the rest of the ’04 Red Sox in which case things would get a bit hairy. If Oprah or Michelle Obama plan on running in 2020 they better be hiring Big Papi and Co. if they want to stand a chance.

I also want to point out how hilarious it is that Trump renamed this council simply by changing around the words. During Obama’s administration it was “The Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition” and now it’s “President Trump’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition.” Such a textbook Trump move you have to respect it. The Don did it again.

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