I Know Bart Hubbuch Is A Troll But His "Guice Is A Murderer Because He Plays Fortnite" Take Is Too Incredible Not To Blog


I try not to give obvious internet trolls the time of day because all they do is spout stupid take after stupid outrageous take for attention, but this one is crafted so beautifully I had to blog it. Bart Hubbuch, the guy who was fired for comparing Trump’s election to 9/11,

launched a fire take this morning where he compared the Redskins second round pick Derrius Guice to Aaron Hernandez. And why? Ummmmm…well, I’m sure you can put 2 and 2 together and figure it out.

Because the biggest knock on Guice thus far is he likes to play Fortnite. Yes, he had an altercation with Deuce Staley at the combine too, fine. But in Hubbuch’s mind, which as we know is AWESOME at making comparisons, Guice streaming Fortnite basically means he is going to murder someone. Love it.

The replies are great:

Hubbuch isn’t a sports writer anymore, but that doesn’t mean his takes aren’t still blazing. Imagine trusting him to safely invest your money after reading tweets like that though? Pray for anyone who uses H&K Wealth Management. Woof.

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