Charles Barkley Bought Everyone At Chicago Cut A Round Of Drinks After Sunday's Game 7 Loss


(Source) NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley and Chicago native Michael Wilbon (“Pardon the Interruption”) were on hand for Sunday’s Blackhawks game at the United Center and dined at Chicago Cut Steakhouse afterward. According to Chicago Cut managing partner David Flom, Barkley bought the entire restaurant a round of drinks to cheer them up and shouted “You had a great season — celebrate that you went as far as you did.”



This is why I love Chuck. This is as real as it gets. Tough loss, heartbreaking end to the season, here, drink your pain away like a normal person. He just might be my number 1 celebrity/athlete I would most want to party with at this point. Perfect blend of doesn’t give a fuck and regular dude who still loves to get drunk, eat steak and gamble his life away.




I said Monday morning that Wilbon would for sure name drop going to the game with Chuck at some point on PTI. Took 9 minutes, which surprisingly is slacking for Wilbon. That’s usually something he leads off with.

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