Big Time Drama At The Family Dollar Store And When I Say Big Time Drama I Mean A Gay Guy Sprayed Some White Trash Chicks With The Febreeze They Tried To Steal



Things I learned from this video.


1. Don’t steal Febreeze from a Dollar Store unless you want Febreeze sprayed into your eyeball. Fair is fair on that one.


2. Even in a heated fight this guy is fab city USA.





3. The time between the chick getting febreezed in the face to her going blind was about 10 minutes. “Oh fuck, that’s right, you mased me, I can’t see, I can’t see, we’re going to sue you even though we don’t even understand what that means”. Oscar worthy.





4. A flamboyant gay southern dude may be the funniest thing in the world. “Bitch I’m crazy”.


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