Walmart Graciously Asking For Food Donations For Employees Who Can't Afford To Eat

OHIO – A Walmart store in Canton, Ohio, is holding a food drive to benefit employees in need, leading some in the community to raise questions about the wages the company pays its workers. A Walmart spokesperson defended the food drive as an example of employees — or “associates” as the company calls its workers — and customers looking out for each other.

See, now this is how you run a great business. Why would one of the biggest companies in the world pay their employees when they can just ask their customers and other workers to pony up for them instead? America 101. Whoever is in charge over there doesn’t have to ever worrying about going hungry constantly biting the hands that feed them. Only negative thing here is Walmart isn’t exactly profiting off of this as much as then should be. My vote is to make some #LetsEat shirts that look like they’re put together for about 40 cents, sell them for 30 bucks and if it hits the unreachable quota set then all qualified employees get a free meal from the in-store McDonald’s once a year. That’s how Capitalism works, baby.

PS – Had some real life shit to unexpectedly deal with last night and today so my apologies for that. Back to the hustle.

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