Hot Sauce Just Lost The Hot Sauce Challenge To Two Kids

DOWN GOES HOT SAUCE! DOWN GOES HOT SAUCE!!! If the Hot Sauce Challenge didn’t die when Fun Sponge Rovell participated in it, it is officially dead and buried 6 feet deep. Hot Sizzle wasn’t beaten by some ex-DIII star or a Billy Hoyle ringer. Two prepubescent motherfuckers straight up took his cookies. The Freeze is officially off the hook for biggest bust of an Atlanta sports performer since he didn’t lose to two goddamn children and then try to act like he didn’t lose. What are those two kids going to do with 4 tires anyway? They are AT LEAST 2 years away from being allowed to drive any sort of vehicle. No way they can even drive the golf carts at their local country club. Meanwhile The Professor must be laughing his ass off that Hot Sauce went down like that. I would throw Hot Sauce a spinzone life raft and say maybe one of those kids is Kyle Korver’s kid since he has hair straight out of Korver’s old Hawks picture.

But this kid isn’t THAT young and it’s not like Korver is The Glove 2.0 or anything.

These kids better watch out though, because Hot Sizzle looks like he’s going to go for a rematch and snatch some ankles or maybe even some souls by hook or by crook.

Just another log on the fire of sadness known as Atlanta sports.

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