The St. Louis Blues Have Won 6 In A Row, 4 In Overtime, To Vault Into A Playoff Spot!


For years and years now the Blues have been doing this thing where they’re PHENOMENAL during the regular season and then suck balls in the postseason and get nowhere near winning a Stanley Cup. Bow out in the first or second round in depressingly unceremonious fashion. Sure there were a few highlights like beating the Hawks in 7 games but that was round one. You can’t hang your hat on a first round win.

In 4 of the last 5 full seasons the Blues have finished with 107+ points. 1st or 2nd in the tough central division also in 4 of those 5 seasons.

Well this year they’re trying something different. This year the Blues STINK and…. I think I feel more confident than ever before? I mean usually we’ve got all these expectations and we’re optimistic and this is our year, then we get nervous just before the playoffs start, play bad hockey, but tell ourselves, “well we’ll be fine we’ve been a very strong team all year and we’re a fundamentally sound group blah blah blah” but this year we’re one of those fun teams on an hot ass run, charging towards the playoffs, and it feels like just getting there would be playing with house money. Which I think is how you need to play? It’s a bold move Cotton, stinking all year then becoming sick right before the postseason.

Stanley Cup Playoff hockey starts in two weeks but it started 6 games ago for the Blue Notes. OT wins coming out of our fucking ears.

I love it!


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