You Like What You See?

Baseball’s opening day is just a few short days away. As a dude who works from home and is often alone most of the hours of the day, I cant wait for Thursday. There is nothing like summer baseball. You can have baseball on and playing while you are working at the blogging factory, up on your computer in the cube, or on the radio when you’re driving. Summer baseball is divine.

Having baseball just on the TV beats most television shows. For today’s society, it’s perfect. You can watch a pitch, look at your phone, conduct a witty tweet, send a text and then you’re ready for the next pitch. You can look up from your computer when a large crack of the bat happens and see your favorite 5’5 2nd baseman rounding 1st after another home run.

When I was younger, I used to watch hours and hours of baseball tonight. One of my favorite times to watch those shows was at the beginning of the season. Without fail, Dan Patrick would talk about someone hitting 2 homeruns in the first game of the year. “He’s on pace to hit 324 homeruns which would be a record,” Dan would say as I laughed aloud. Classic Dan joke. Keith Olberman would chime in, “we’ll keep tabs to see if he keeps that pace.”

The next morning, Fred McGriff would have gone 1-4 with a single and a walk but zero home runs. “Fred McGriff fell off his pace of hitting 324 homeruns and now is on track to hit just 162 which would be a huge disappointment after the way he started the season.” My laugh would billow throughout the trailer.

Can’t wait for baseball. Can’t wait for those jokes. So, to answer my own question, yeah. I like what I see.


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