This Video Compiling The Boxing "Knockout Of The Year" Every Year From 1960-2016 Will Be The Best Two Minutes Of Your Day
There’s truly nothing as visually appealing as a human being getting hit so hard in the jaw that their body folds in half. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, but writing it out definitely makes me sound like a sociopath, doesn’t it?
This video came across my timeline this weekend and I must’ve watched it a hundred times since. Seeing how boxing, the sweet science, has evolved as a sport through the best knockouts of each year is hypnotizing. Every time you play it through you discover new knockouts that you somehow missed last time, too. It’s like some sorta internet fuckery where they add one to the list for repeat viewings but never tell you which one it is. Anyway, I don’t have a ton I have to add, I just thought this video was amazing. Nothing like some good ol’ fashion KO punches right to the kisser.