LeBron Spends $1,500,000 A Year To Maintain His Body

$1,500,000 a year to maintain his body! That’s actually awesome. He could easily, easilyyyy get by on his natural athleticism alone, but instead he has gone above and beyond and put so much money into his body so he can still be the best player in basketball for the 15th straight year.

And that’s what the wildest thing about that tweet is to me. It’s not the $1,500,000 thing. If I had LeBron money, I’d have personal chefs and trainers and someone to put my shoes on for me. $1,500,000 seems kind of reasonable, considering his net worth and how many salaries he’s paying and how expensive food is when you’re 6’8, 260 pounds of all muscle. The wildest thing is the fact LeBron is “only” 33. 15th season, but only 33 years old.

I know it’s the cool thing to hate on LeBron or whatever, but what we are seeing right now is just absolute dominance from a guy whose body should be breaking down. If you can’t appreciate the work he’s put in to stay at the top of his game, you are what the kids these days refer to as a “hater”. He just got addicted to being the best, and as the best player, has continued to put in more work than the people who should be outworking him. So when you see him yelling at coaches and being an egomaniac, it’s because he’s so much better than everyone else, it’s like putting Einstein in a room with a bunch of idiots and telling him to listen to them.

So that $1,500,000 is chump change for what he’s able to do on the court. And not only is he not breaking down, he’s getting better. Eventually people will look back on his career and wonder how he’s only a 4x MVP at this point.

On the other hand, I spent the blogger’s equivalent of $1,500,000 per year on fast food over the last 3 years. Oops.

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