Will There Ever Be Another Girl Who Dominates The "Hot" Scene Like Britney Spears Did?

I get that there’s an age divide here, and I’m well aware that I might sound like my grandfather telling me I wasn’t around for Ted Williams so I can’t talk about it, but while we were debating 90s pop stars on KFC Radio today we started reminiscing about the ladies.

I posit to you that there will never be a woman who holds the world captive like Britney Spears did ever again. I’m not talking about strictly attractiveness, I’m talking being hot in the streets. Having the buzz. Being the focus of every budding teenage boy and the woman everyone in the world wants.

Megan Fox kinda had it for a minute after Transformers and her FHM spread, but that’s the only thing I can think to coming close in my lifetime. The people who are telling me Margot Robie are INSANE. It’s not even really Robie’s fault, it’s the way the world has changed. Due to social media and the internet we have unlimited access to attractive women so it’s hard for a particular one to break through and grab our attention. Back in the day you had to rush home from school just to catch TRL and get a glimpse of Britney and you have to spend hours in your room trying to see up her skirt on the “Baby One More Time” cover. Megan Fox you had to buy magazines (the internet was obviously around but it wasn’t like it is today, we were still hanging that Megan Fox spread on our bedroom walls). Margot Robie just has way too much competition. It’s like what happens with TV shows now how there are ten million so there are so many good ones that just get a decent following rather than the worldwide praise they deserve, same with baseball ratings where they say the game is dying because in 1960 like everyone in the country watched the World Series and now it’s far less. No shit, there’s so much else to do, there were three channels then. Well now we can see a billion girls with the scroll of our thumb and that’s why there will never be another girl who’s “Britney Spears hot.”

Listen to the full debate on KFC Radio here.

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