This Thief Who Wore A See-Through Plastic Bag As A Mask Is An Absolute Hero

NYP - A bungling thief used a see-through plastic bag to mask his face, while allegedly robbing a cellphone store in Kanyakumari, India. According to the shop owner, more than $2,000 in phones and accessories were missing the next day. It appears this case is as clear as the bag on the suspect’s head. Police have arrested a local youth in connection with the crime.


I love this guy. He had the right idea, but just didn’t execute his plan 100% correctly. He’s pretty much anyone who has ever had to do a job, but just didn’t feel like putting in 100% effort that day. We all have those days, you show up, but you’re not actually there. That was this dude when it came to robbing the cellphone store that day. He knew he had to do it, but he couldn’t really be arsed to give more than 30% effort.

He knew he was supposed to wear a disguise, maybe a mask of some sort….so he went with the ol’ “see through plastic bag” mask, but of course.

Brilliant move. Can’t say he didn’t wear a mask, even if it was a grocery bag. I guess he forgot how suffocating those were though, or perhaps he took the one that he put the onions in, because he couldn’t go 15 seconds without needing a gasp of air.


And somehow, he put even less effort into protecting his fingerprints.

This is the Cube-life version of putting your name on a PowerPoint where every slide drops another racial slur, and then just continuing with the PowerPoint, business as usual. So few fucks given.

And then of course, he made sure to roll up his sleeves so the cameras could see his tattoo.

Remember kids, always roll up your sleeves to show distinguishing marks on your skin that set you apart from everyone else. Very important.

So, this man was caught and arrested. Very unfortunate. I thought he had this one….in the bag.

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