CBS Doesn't Back Down To The People Complaining About Showing Crying Kids During March Madness, Says 'It's Part of the Drama'

GIVE THEM TO ME!!! ALL OF THE TEARS!! Major props to CBS for sticking to their guns here and saying fuck off to anyone complaining about them showing crying kids during March Madness. That’s part of what college basketball in March is all about: The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I for one am kind of shocked it took this long for this outrage to become national news considering the society we live in. Everyone takes everything so goddamn seriously and parents have become worse that ever with this type of stuff. There’s nothing quite like watching someone get their heart ripped out on live TV, regardless the age. I guess not to these people…awww

No, no, no you snowflakes can’t mess with March. Go try and toy with anything else, but March stays how it is (except for the selection show I guess).

I love this stuff. Some of the best gifs ever have come from March Madness crying kids.

There’s nothing wrong with a kid being shown on TV like that. Being so overcome with emotion you actually throw up. That’s just incredible. Showing emotion for your team like that is part of what sports are all about. It’s good to care about something so much at that age. When you get older you care less and less. You can’t focus on all your teams as much as you can while you balance your job and a social life. So fuck anyone that thinks we’re too good of a society to show something like this during March. If we took this away there’s no telling what’s next. Props to CBS for saying fuck you to the noise.

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