If You Think Tennis Balls Are Green, You're A Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins
I’ve seen a lot of debate about this topic and I wasn’t going to weigh in. Why? Because it’s spring, my friends. We are supposed to be living the high life in wonderful weather and enjoying crisp, cool breezes while the music of longtime stoolie Bertie Higgins takes us away to the island of Key Largo.
But, because of the snowstorm that’s in the Northeast, my pals have decided to go at each other’s throats. I wont stand for it. We needed to put this to a vote to end this madness. I’m glad my pal Desiree did.
48 percent of people are wrong. Simple as that but, when it comes to colors, each person is entitled to their own optical proclivities. May a thousand hues bloom as far as I’m concerned. But I aint spendin anymore time on it because, in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland.