Oscar Winning Director Steven Soderbergh Filmed His Entire New Movie Using Only An iPhone

Inverse - To shoot Unsane, Soderbergh used three iPhone 7 Plus phones, outfitted with three Moment lenses (18mm, 60mm, and a fisheye). On occasion, he used the phone’s standard lens. The 4K resolution is close enough to a film camera in all its 4,000 glorious, horizontal pixels that there’s no difference on the big screen.

To record these intimate, sometimes distorted scenes, Soderbergh used the $15 video app FiLMiC Pro, also used by Baker to shoot Tangerine. Soderbergh also used the $10 FiLMiC Remote app, which allowed him to view the video being shot from one phone on a different phone, if the shooting phone was positioned so that the screen wasn’t easily viewable (like if it was on the floor).

In the production notes, Soderbergh said it was inevitable he’d ditch the film camera. “I’ve been experimenting for years with this equipment, with these phones and with the lenses that are available to put onto these phones,” he says. “I looked at it as the future.”


I love that Soderbergh did this. It’s so cocky. Just flexing his film-making muscles all over the place. He doesn’t need any $10,000 camera, or all sorts of crazy effects, or to shoot something from 10 angles using a guy in a wingsuit just to get the right 3 second shot. Nope. Soderbergh just bought a couple of iPhones, a few $80 iPhone lenses, downloaded an app that your grandma would download to take pictures of her new brownie recipe, and voila, filmed an entire movie.

In a way, it’s almost too cocky. Like, Soderbergh was so bored with traditional film-making he had to prove he could make a great movie using the same phone used to make this:

And that’s exactly what he did

So just remember, kids. You don’t need anything fancy to follow your dreams. If you’re good enough, you have all you need right in the palm of your hand. Whether you want to be a photographer, film maker, or dare I say, even a blogger, if you’re good enough, the cream will always rise to the top.

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